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Faeries Oracle

25 - The Faery Godmother

Gifts. Talents. Grace. Helpful lessons.

One morning recently, I was having breakfast at the local cafe and my favorite waitress, Peggy, stopped by my table and asked what I was working on. I showed her my scribbled-in copy of Good Faeries/Bad Faeries and explained that I was "choosing" the cards for an oracle deck. (Of course, the faeries were choosing them, but I didn't necessarily want to explain that to the whole cafe.) Peggy had been having a bad morning with difficult customers, and she had reached the stress point where she was dropping and spilling things, which only made matters worse. I encouraged her to pause for a bit, since the cafe wasn't really busy, and take a look at the faery Pictures. She thought she couldn't, but I employed the Piper's wiles (Card 24) of friendly coaxing, and she took a little time out to look.

When Peggy got to the page of the Faery Godmother, she stopped and smiled. "Oh, yes!" she said. "She must be in the deck. Definitely she must." The longer Peggy looked at her, the bigger her smile grew, and the more insistent she was that I include Sairie in the deck. When she went back to work, I noticed that she still had a little smile on her face and her whole energy had changed. Things were not jumping out of her hands any longer, either.

This is how Sairie the Faery Godmother works. She gives us grace to help us along our way. It might be a little touch of faery dust to lift a mood, it might be a conspicuous miracle, it might be anything in between. She protects us from the ill will and plain stupidity of others and from our own mistakes. She untangles the snarls in our psyches and bestows gifts upon us - whatever she feels we need. Sometimes she gives us choices when we thought we had none.

Grace is the good fortune we get from the universe even when we don't deserve it. In fact, deserving or not deserving is not the issue. We are- and therefore, we are loved. It's that simple. Sairie the Faerie Godmother is a giver of grace, and occasionally (quite often, in fact) of useful lessons. She tries not to interfere with our learning processes, but she adds that little touch of faery grace that helps us to learn a little faster sometimes. Quite often she acts in our lives through the hands and hearts of others.

The Faery Godmother is the only one to wear a crown of stars, flowers, and branches, which says a lot about her. Luckily, each of us has a faery godmother to provide the extras that our guardian angels are often too busy to think about.

Faery godmothers in general are well known for their love of parties. Don't forget to invite them to your festivities and special occasions. The Faery Godmother glows through us as we perform loving and appropriate kindnesses for others and develop our capacity for unconditional love.

Starter Reading

Sairie offers last-minute rescues. When she turns up in our readings, good things may well be happening that we don't think we deserve - or that we do deserve but haven't thought to ask for. Almost imperceptibly she teaches us about giving and receiving unconditionally, helping us to open our hearts to love and acceptance. She sometimes showers us with abundance. Keep an eye out for unexpected good fortune, especially when you thought you saw bad luck headed your way.

Remember to say thank you by passing a kindness on to someone else. Practice a little faery godmothering yourself and see how enjoyable it is. Part of the fun of it is to do it so that the recipient doesn't know where the gift came from.


When we block the Faery Godmother from our daily lives, things are harder than they need be. When we attempt to live without the grace of the faeries and of heaven, life is an uphill struggle.

When we twist this energy, we become judgmental and get tied in knots trying to decide who is "worthy" and who is not. We tie strings to everything we offer others - and then we trip over them.

At worst, we sour our lives, sharing nothing and taking from others - becoming the selfish, greedy thief in the night instead of the sparkling Faery Godmother, who glows with the light from within. No matter how much that thief accumulates, he will never have enough to feel happy or secure or loved.

The Sidhe